日本有萌單,世界有HOT FOR WORDS!Marina Orlova,擁有語言學學位的金髮俄羅斯尤物征服youtube數千萬點閱率的心。不但雜誌(Wired, Cosmopolitan...)急著給她封號,還上了紐約時報周刊。youtube頻道連動網站的點子來自於一句標語"Intelligence is Sexy",而她真的很正。



Marina exploits her blonde-bombshell looks to the maximum: She appears in her two-minute clips scantily clad, pouting and making doe eyes. This is surely the main factor in her success. However, while the number of scantily clad girls on the Internet is limitless, not all of them put so much intellectual effort into their success.


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